Re-designing innovative ‘lifelong learning’ formats
Education & Culture
Insights & Concepts
Innovation strategy
Applied Methods

→ Qualitative user interviews
→ Expert interviews
→ Best practice research
→ Roadmapping
→ Co-creation workshop

Digital tools

2 months

To ensure that its educational programs continuously address the diverse and fast changing industry-relevant qualification gaps and educational needs across all pillars and regions, this KIC (Knowledge Innovation Centre) sought to establish a common learning and education concept administrated by its “Professional School”.
Partner identification
Qualitative research
Co-creation workshop

Partner identification & qualitative research

Over nearly 8 weeks, we have contacted and selected 10 highly knowledgeable industry and academic partners across Europe. Coupled with desk research on best practices worldwide, we could gain a deep understanding of the relevant user and stakeholder requirements.


After carefully analysing and unpacking the collected information, we created a matrix that integrated a state-of-the-art overview of existing learning formats, both individual (building knowledge through self-reflection about external stimuli and sources, and through personal re-elaboration) and collaborative (new knowledge is acquired).

Co-creation workshop

Based on the outcomes, we designed, organised and facilitated two half-day Design Thinking workshops with diverse academic and industrial professionals to collaboratively envision and build fresh, bold and insight-driven educational frameworks that successfully bridged the needs of practitioners, industry and academia.

"Our current society is changing at a rapid pace thus making it necessary and beneficial for employees and managers to update their skills and consequently master new tasks and concepts, which is indispensable to thrive in a complex changing modern world. One of the main consequences is that education, central for any technological and organisational progress, has to quickly adapt and advance at the same pace. That’s why the topic of Long-life learning (LLL) is ever crucial. This project made us realised how it is important that individuals are trained to be open to new ideas and approaches to be able to more easily adapt and embrace these changes."

Alice Repetti, Business Consultant at Spark Works


As a result of nearly 6 months of effort, we assisted the Academy’s steering team to determine a sustainable life-long learning concept that bridged the gap between academia and practitioners. In addition we provided the school with an actionable business plan to ensure rapid implementation and successful roll out.

Project Lead
Linda Armbruster
Director Collaborative Innovation
Linda holds an M.A. in Strategic Design from the design akademie berlin. As a trained Design Thinker from the Potsdam and Stanford, co-founder of Spark Works and lecturer at the ETHZ, she builds and leads research and training programs in the private and public sector, blending methods grounded in Human-Centred Design to inform and inspire insight-driven innovation.
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